Wednesday, September 5, 2012


When you hear the word "news" you expect an unbiased view on current events and the happenings around the world. However with the state of mega media and media conglomerates conducting business as they do there are few places anyone can find real news.With MSNBC depicting the democratic point of view and down playing the democratic faults or blunders and passively defending democrats daily. Fox News is the opposite side of the spectrum and Republican standing, Fox News vilifies democrats as un-american and destroying this country,claiming to be for women's rights and that they care about the american woman but in the same breath say women don't have the "right to choice", and quick to berate any woman that doesn't fit the republican ideal woman. More than enough of the time Fox News is out right lying about issues to the viewers and trying to avoid the truth put foward by Democrats.So this really becomes a problem when viewers rely on one station for its news day in and day out constantly being told that the problems with the country are coming from the republicans or democrats.Then the heavy viewers start to resent the opposing parties and refusing to vote for them, even if the candidate is more qualified and genuine then the candidate the viewer is constantly subjected to. Of course people want to hear what they're own personal views, before they hear someones else's especially the opposition, but it's to a point were no one knows the real news or who's lying and how to determine it. For those out there that actually want to hear or see the unbiased news, it seems that its impossible to find that unless you look at unconventional avenues like comedy central with John Stewart, and Steven Colbert or Bill Maher (during the debate segment, but does tend to lean towards the democrat side). Its a shame that the only place to get news you can rely on is during a comedy sketch or while the host is poking fun at someone. I for one am not satisfied with receiving my news from a comedy network when every network should be broadcasting the actual news not just a portrayal of what the viewers want to hear. I think that there should be a agency that puts regulations on the networks and how biased the news they can provide or how they portray the opposition. The FCC is supposed to do this to an extent, but if they did what would make the news from Fox actually watchable then there wouldn't be so many Controversies on how Fox conducts itself. If this kind of controversies are even being mentioned then there is a big problem and needs to be addressed. 


  1. You can almost expect what to hear and what not to hear depending on what network, channel or show you turn on. Programs and networks are so selective these days when it comes to politics, and in some cases it's become more about competing than actually putting out honest quality information. Sometimes we may want to turn on one of these shows just for something to watch while we relax, but we get these very biased views pushed upon us and only one side to every point. It gets to be especially ridiculous around election time. I don't want to see these damn question this and that number commercials, and certainly don't want to hear one party bashing the other over and over again. It's much more annoying than informative. Just my opinion.

  2. Your absolutely correct, its unbelievable the degree of crap the political parties through at each other during election time on the air and in front of every one. I watch the election process and try to break it down to find out who's the biggest liar and why. It's a damm shame we are brought to this kind of deception, and all because the voters are too lazy or brain dead to do the research them selves. So they rely on other to tell them what truth is or isn't, you cant do that no more, the people running the news are dictating what is broadcast. The big businesses scream that its their dollar and they can do what they want to with it, well isnt telling out right lies or deceiving the public the same thing as perjury under oath? If deliberate deception isnt allowed in a court room too only a few dozen spectators and the court shouldnt it be at least equally wrong to lie to the general public and hundreds of thousands of viewers? With so many people basing their lives one what the news is and the reports are then they need to be above the politics and do what they were intended to do and thats report the real new! Thanks for the response btw.

  3. I agree with some of what you have stated. There are a lot of stations that offer extremely biased opinions based of politics and sponsorships and a lot of other reasons that we don't know about. This does distort a lot of peoples views on the world and politics. These sort of channels give birth to political extremists. I was reading an article the other day and I think it said that people that watch FOX News or MSNBC are out of the loop on the reality of politics and the world. But people that listened to NPR or watch CNN were the most knowledgeable. So I disagree with your statement about getting news from a comedy network. There are ways to get unbiased news you just have to find them.
